Holwell Neighbourhood Plan Review Examination

As part of the Holwell Neighbourhood Plan Review examination Dorset Council has submitted the existing ‘made’ plan, the updated plan, supporting documents, representations and Reg 17(e)(ii) statement to the examiner. The examiner then wrote to Dorset Council and Holwell Parish Council on the 29 June 2021 to clarify several initial procedural matters and to ask a number of questions.  To view the response from the examiner, please click here.

Representations received to the submitted Holwell Neighbourhood Plan Review

As the local planning authority, Dorset Council was required to consult on the plan review before the examination took place. This consultation took place for seven weeks from Wednesday 31 March 2021 until Wednesday 19 May 2021.  The responses received during this period are below.

Consultation on the Holwell Neighbourhood Plan Review As the local planning authority, Dorset Council is required to consult on the review of the plan proposals before the examination takes place. The consultation process will run from Wednesday 31 March 2021 until the end of Wednesday 19 May 2021. This is an opportunity for individuals and organisations to comment on the Neighbourhood Plan review. An independent examiner will be appointed and any comments will be passed on to them for consideration as part of the examination process. The Holwell Neighbourhood Plan Review is available to read together with the supporting documents which are as follows:

Holwell Neighbourhood Plan Responses Table
 Document Reference Response
 HOLW01 Dorset Council
 HOLW02 Highways England
 HOLW03 Historic England
 HOLW04 Magna Housing
 HOLW05 National Grid
 HOLW06 Natural England


The current council, Dorset Council, stated in March 2020 that they still do not have provision of land to cover 5 years’ housing need therefore, where a Neighbourhood Plan is more than 2 years old, planners will no longer give weight to it when they make planning decisions.

The Parish Council decided to review the current plan to ensure that is updated and therefore less than 2 years old and so the wishes of residents of Holwell will be taken into account when planning decisions are made regarding the parish of Holwell.

If you have any questions, please let us know at holwellneighbourhoodplan@gmail.com

Mission Statement

Holwell Parish Council wishes to maintain Holwell Parish as a thriving rural community and to ensure its long-term future by working towards meeting the needs of those who wish to live and work in this community. A Neighbourhood Plan gives local people a genuine opportunity to be part of a community that will guide the future development, regeneration and conservation of their area by preparing a plan under the control and guidance of Holwell Parish Council.

It is a plan that the community of Holwell Parish produce and vote on that will give residents the opportunity to influence the future of the area through having a say into future development, regeneration and conservation. If it is adopted, then it becomes part of the Planning Policy for our parish.

The Parish Council set up a working group in 2013 who undertook some initial work on the Plan. However, this plan must be one that the community of Holwell produce and vote on, giving residents the opportunity to influence the future of the area. It can cover a broad agenda or just focus on a few key issues that concern the population of Holwell.

To maintain Holwell Parish as a thriving rural community and to ensure its long-term future by working towards meeting the needs of those who wish to live and work in this community

Strategic Objectives:

  1. To meet diverse local housing needs taking into account changing demographics and social requirements.
  2. To keep housing development to an agreed scale, of good quality and design, making use of materials that are appropriate, sustainable and complementary to neighbouring properties.
  3. To support existing business, encourage new enterprises and facilities which will enhance commercial effectiveness and employment opportunities.
  4. To preserve the long-term future of the area by retaining and, if possible, enhancing local services, infrastructure and facilities, promoting a safe and healthy community.
  5. To protect and enhance the natural, agricultural and built environment of the Parish including its landscape, built heritage, archaeological sites and wildlife habitats.
  6. To reduce vulnerability to the impact of severe weather i.e. flooding, etc.